2420 Meadowpine Blvd Unit# 101 Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 Canada

Tax Planning & Business Plans

Business Plans & Tax Planning

we provide following business which are services business registration, Business plans, company incorporation, WSIB registration, master business lenience and business process review (BPR).

Tax Planning

1. Planning a business
Assessing your readiness, choosing a business structure, market research and writing a business plan.

2. Choosing a business name
Selecting a good name, checking if a name is taken, registering and protecting your business name.

3. Registering your business with the government
Registering or incorporating your business, plus how to apply for a business number or tax account.

4. Applying for business permits and licences
Permits and licences that you may need for your business from all three levels of government.

5. Getting business support and financing
National and regional business support, including financing for immigrant and aboriginal entrepreneurs.

Business Plans

Business Process Review (BPR) is a priceless administration before going ‘live’ with any of our innovation arrangements. It is likewise accessible whenever an association sees the requirement for an autonomous, impartial examination of their framework usage and work systems, to impact positive changes by expanding the productivity of their staff.

Advantages include:

  • Counseling on our suite of innovation arrangements related to your business procedure to give the most effective approach to utilize our host of innovation items
  • Increment your efficiency and gainfulness by upgrading business forms as of now set up
  • Execute highlights not beforehand accessible already to expand proficiency
  • Help recognize custom framework upgrades as well as reports to meet your one of a kind business needs

free consultation

Please provide your details to book an appointment and we will get back to you asap.

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Contact us

Indify Solutions Limited
2420 Meadowpine Boulevard, Unit # 101
Mississauga, ON L5N 6S2 Canada

Email: indifysolutions@gmail.com